Bookdetails - Health, Medicine and Religion

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Health, Medicine and Religion
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Swami Brahmeshananda

This book is a collection of articles on the theme of health and medical science in the light of ethics, religion and spirituallity by Swami Brahmeshananda. The author has personally faced the problem of declining ethical codes in the practice of medicine during his more than three decades of practice as a medical consultant. Though the compiled articles are independent in themselves, and were written during a span of more than fifteen years, they have a common theme: search for values in the field of health and medicine. The book is primarily addressed to the medical professionals, but we are sure, it will prove enlightening for lay readers too

Cover Type: PB

Pages: 272

Category: Spiritual Life, Compilation

Language: English

AU $ 5.00

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All Titles : Swami Brahmeshananda All Titles in Category: Spiritual Life, Compilation

Let each one of us pray day and night for the downtrodden millions who are held fast by poverty, priestcraft, and tyranny. Pray day and night for them. I care more to preach religion to them than to the high and the rich. -Swami Vivekananda


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